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3 Reasons Why Table Tennis is an Awesome Sport to Watch

3 Reasons Why Table Tennis is an Awesome Sport to Watch

Table tennis is a sport which doesn’t usually get much exposure in the mainstream, but every 4 years, its popularity surges. Newcomers gain a whole new appreciation for a sport which often struggles to harness the respect of those from outside the game.

From its origins as a parlor game in England in the early 1900s, Ping-Pong has come a long way in the last century. It has evolved into one of most rapid-paced reaction racket sports on the planet - a sport more well-known these days as table tennis.

Watching table tennis for the first time at the highest levels is usually an unique experience for most players who have only recently picked up a racket, played in their basement or on a cheap wooden tabletop at their local YMCA or school.

1. Unmatched Spin and Reaction Speeds!

A table tennis ball can travel at speeds of 70MPH with a reaction time of a tenth of a second - combining to create one of the most dazzling sporting showdowns you could ever hope to see.

One of the most incredible things about table tennis is the ball spin. Rotation levels at the professional level can reach 9000RPM. To put this in perspective, at 9000RPM a car engine is generally red-lining and would probably burn out in no time. Break this down into seconds, and you’re looking at a mind-blowing 150 rotations per second.

One of the main barriers to people enjoying table tennis is not being able to understand the game, or not being able to keep up. Thankfully with plenty of advances in technology, there are more and more new elements to experiencing table tennis – including a multitude of slow-motion replay angles, winner speed statistics, as well as information on placements spreads and tactics.

2. Dazzling Rallies Off the Table

While rallies in table tennis can sometimes be short, every now and then you can catch the thrill of a seriously epic counter-loop rally. Professional table tennis players can go back 10 to 15 feet from the table, sometimes even all the way to the back barriers. Table tennis rallies have all the excitement of a tennis rally, with the insane spin and ball deviation of snooker, and the tactics and decision making of chess – all packed into a handful of seconds.

The opportunity to see the world’s best competing for ultimate glory is definitely worth watching as they rapidly move around the court, exercising lightning-fast reflexes.

3. Ping Pong Trick Shots on Display

If you’re lucky you may even see some moves, like sneaky round-the-net curveballs and table-turning behind-the-back shots, that will make you question the very laws of physics. From hook shots to curving chops off the ground and baffling snake-shots, which kick in direction at the last minute, table tennis has it all.

If you have never seen table tennis at a professional level before, what are you waiting for? The ball is in your court!

