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Lacy Schneemann Joins Team JOOLA

Lacy Schneemann Joins Team JOOLA

We are excited to announce Lacy Schneemann as the latest addition to Team JOOLA.

Coming from a family of tennis players, Lacy started playing tennis at a young age, played regularly as a junior and went on to play club tennis at USC.

It was also her family who started getting her out on the pickleball court. Years ago, her dad started playing pickleball with friends and Lacy would join in for games on occasion. It wasn’t until she finished college, however, that she started playing pickleball more regularly and began competing.

Her on-court talent has garnered attraction landing her a spot as an alternate for the MLP Newport Beach edition where she played as a sub for team BLQK, helping to secure them a spot in the finals.  Other career highlights include placing 4th in women’s pro singles at the APP SoCal Classic and winning double gold at the US Open in 5.0 women’s doubles.

“I started playing with the JOOLA Hyperion CFS 16 when it first came out and loved it,” said Lacy. “So when JOOLA approached me, I was super excited. I not only love their product but the fact that they have a good team behind the product, and an ever-growing impressive team of JOOLA sponsored players as well.”

With Lacy’s growing list of pickleball accolades it’s hard to think she has time for much else. However, Lacy has a BA and Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and has been working full-time for Boeing for the last 2 years.

Welcome to the Team, Lacy!

