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JOOLA USA Joins National Youth Sports Strategy Initiative

JOOLA USA Joins National Youth Sports Strategy Initiative

Most of us can vividly remember our first racket, or the moment when we realized our love for the game of table tennis. You can probably also point to the person who handed you that racket or the place where so much sweat was poured, as being pivotal in building you into the player you are today. Knowing how important those people and places are in getting youth involved in sports is why JOOLA has joined up with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a National Youth Sports Strategy (NYSS) Champion.The NYSS is a shared vision that one day, all youth will have the opportunity, motivation, and access to play sports — regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, ability, or ZIP code. The plan is to get more youth moving, and more specifically, more youth playing sports. Most of you reading this probably already know the benefits of playing a sport you love. The NYSS is a realization that we all have a role to play in increasing youth sports participation and helping more youth realize those benefits.From the equipment we make, to the events we hold, and the players we sponsor, JOOLA strives to recognize the inner champion in everyone, especially youth players. Over the years, JOOLA has worked with countless clubs and organizations to get kids to pick up a paddle and start playing. We are proud to be recognized as an NYSS Champion for these efforts and look forward to’s challenge to go further.Are you working to get more youth playing table tennis? Tell us about it on Facebook or Instagram so we can support and boost your great work!nyss-badge

