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What Table Tennis Table Should You Buy?

What Table Tennis Table Should You Buy?

There are many ping pong tables for sale. Choosing the right one can have a big impact on your play and your wallet. Luckily, with such a wide range of choices, you’re sure to find a table tennis table that can best suit your needs and budget.

How to Choose a Table Tennis Table

Table Surface Thickness

Most regulation size table tennis tables range in thickness from 12mm to 30mm. As a general rule, the thicker the surface, the better the table. The best ping pong tables for high-traffic rec centers and for competitive players are 25mm+ table tennis tables. Beginners and game room buyers usually get by fine with cheaper ping pong tables that are in the 13mm to 15mm range.

Why get a thicker table? The thicker table will have a truer bounce, will be less likely to warp, typically has a sturdier undercarriage, and can handle being moved around more for places such as clubs or schools.

As a general rule, the thicker the surface, the better the table.


Whether you are investing in family fun, adding an amenity to your business, or working on your health, you want your table to last. When it comes to the lifespan of a ping pong table, pay attention to both what is on top and what is underneath. The surface should at least have a treated paint surface and you will want to avoid anything with decals or stickers. Higher end ITTF approved tables feature special surface treatments to withstand higher volume play.

The undercarriage can be just as important as the surface. Each table has its own configuration, but many will state what type of metal is used and how thick the tubing is. For a table that sits stationary in a home, 30mm or less is sufficient. A rock-solid table tennis table will be around 50mm. The size of the wheel casters is another feature to evaluate. If your table is going in and out of storage and constantly wheeled around, look for 3in to 6in locking caster wheels to keep things moving smoothly.

When it comes to the lifespan of a ping pong table, pay attention to both what is on top and what is underneath.

Can You Take Your Table Tennis Game Outside?

Yes! You can play ping pong outside - if you have the right table. It is important to note that unless a table is specifically labeled as an outdoor table, it should not be stored outside or be subjected to the elements.

Outdoor tables consist of a specialty playing surface and an undercarriage with weatherproof treating. The tables are tested against frost, UV radiation, temperature fluctuations, heat and moisture. Some outdoor ping pong tables look just like their indoor counterparts, but with an aluminum or fiberglass surface. The best part about these tables is they can just as easily be used as indoor tables! 

There are also more permanent and long-lasting options. Industrial table tennis tables are bigger, thicker, and much heavier. You’ll find these tables in city parks, apartment complexes, breweries, and resorts. With steel undercarriages and metal nets, outdoor industrial ping pong tables can last for over a decade out in all kinds of weather. 

Yes! You can play ping pong outside - if you have the right table.

What to Know About Foldable Table Tennis Tables

First, not all ping pong tables are foldable, so read the product description carefully. Second, foldable ping pong tables come in two types: 1-piece centerfold and 2-piece foldable. The 1-piece design is where the table halves simply fold up. Many entry level, budget friendly tables will have this design.

To accommodate a larger base and sturdier undercarriages, some tables are two individual halves that fold up and can be nested together when stored - comparatively taking up less space in storage than many 1-piece designs. 2-piece foldable ping pong tables can be easier to move since they are lighter halves. The two halves also have the added benefit of offering solo playback mode. Just fold one half up and now you have a rebound board to practice against.

... foldable ping pong tables come in two types: 1-piece centerfold and 2-piece foldable

Portable Table Tennis Tables and Tables for Apartments & Small Spaces

A smaller ping pong table can be a great option for those in tighter spaces, but they too have a wide range of choices. The smaller size takes a little getting used to, but can actually make you a much more skilled player.

A midsize ping pong table is about 2/3 the size of a regulation table. The best part about these tables is that you still get a sturdy 12mm playing surface, they are regulation height, and they come with a regulation height net. That all adds up to a much more realistic playing experience and skills that transfer better to a full-sized table. Bonus features for this type of medium-sized ping pong table include doubling as a card table and folding flat for closet or under bed storage. 

Miniature and portable table tennis tables come in all shapes and sizes. Most fit into the novelty toy category as the surfaces may not provide an even bounce and the dimensions are on a much smaller scale. What they lack in pedigree, they make up for in portability. Since there is no standard for small table tennis tables, pay close attention to the listed size and the weight to make sure it fits your needs.   

And if all you have is a dining room table or a park bench, you might still have a table tennis table. For a ping pong experience you can take anywhere, consider a retractable table tennis net. These portable ping pong nets stretch to 6 feet and easily clip on to any surface up to an inch thick. Small enough to fit in a purse, these versatile nets are a table tennis player’s perfect travel companion.

A smaller ping pong table can be a great option for those in tighter spaces...


